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The fashion company Custom Business, which was conceived from an idea of        Vito Di Lorenzo, creates precious leather business bags and accessories. It offers an innovative and unique style for women and men, which perfectly suits every situation of the day. Vito Di Lorenzo is an Italian designer and stylist, who is active between his office in Verona and the company showroom in Milan.  He is a lover of detail as well as high-quality materials. Driven by a strong sense of sustainability and social responsibility, he and his company CUSTOM BUSINESS offer to conscious and sophisticated customers the opportunity to purchase items from the company collection or customise their own creations with the help of an in-house stylist. This idea has been based from the very beginning on three pillars: an official 100% Made in Italy certification, customisation, and social and environmental sustainability.
In 2022 Custom Business received the prestigious “Excellence Artisanal” prize at the Milan Fashion Global Summit.
Fine leather personalized business bags and accessories 100% Made in Italy certificate.


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